

I'm starting to see a pattern in the way I play Neverwinter:

I come back after a bit of a break, usually to check out some new content, but maybe just to continue working on an existing campaign that I haven't finished yet.

I enjoy myself, and since there is usually a limit to how much you can do to progress a single character in a single day, I find myself thinking: "Hm, might as well spend some time on working on this other thing on my alt as well!"

The next day is similar, and before I know it I'm back to logging and playing multiple alts each day.

I get so caught up in progressing all of them at the same time that every play session takes longer and longer until things start to feel like a chore; eventually I burn out and need a break.

I'm never lacking for things to do in Neverwinter - if anything it sometimes feels like there's too much to do to keep up with casually!

1 comment:

  1. And that there's so much to do means that boredom isn't much of an issue.
